The First Year with Baby

It's hard to believe that its been over a year with little Adalyn June. She has really changed our lives for the better and has taught us some serious patience! Joking aside, we couldn't imagine our lives without her now.

Her first birthday was low key, just close family and friends. We got her a cake from Three Sisters Baking company based out of Dover as her smash cake and it was the daintiest cake smash we've ever seen.

She is definitely a texture eater and she didn't want to touch the cake so we offered it with a fork! Then we cut it up for all and enjoyed the delicious vanilla buttercream.

Had to. All 12 months. No more after this!

Valentine's Day/first birthday dress photo! She wasn't a fan of the pearls.

She's also not a fan of the snow ha!

She tolerated it for the duration of these photos.

At daycare they teach kids baby sign language. This means "More." Not exactly how to do it but apparently most of the babies do it this way. She wanted more strawberries! She's also learned how to sign "all done" and "milk." She can say Mama, Dada, hi, and this, and understands bye and waves, high fives, and points with her whole hand where she wants to go.

Don't mind my incredibly awkward leg hold. We got Addie baptized at a local church shortly before her first birthday.

She did such a good job! Held off on crying until the very end 😂 

Her dress was made from my wedding dress by our amazing seamstress at Madeleine's Daughter.

She's recently started to walk at around 12.5 months. It was overnight! One day she was crawling and then it was like she just decided she would start walking. She went from a couple steps one day to 20 steps and turning the next!

She also didn't get teeth until after her first birthday. She is getting almost all of them at once. Here are the two bottoms, and she has the top two coming in, and I can see the ones on the side starting to make their way down.

Such a fashionista! Here hair is so long, and she's so tall people think she's older than she actually is. When we go to restaurants they bring over a kids menu. She is in the 96th percentile for height - one tall girl!

Her birthday fell on a day during the week while she was a daycare and we sent lots of goodies for Addie and her friends. Here she is trying her first cupcake ever!

Yay I'm one!

Since my last post we've made lots of cookies.

Peanut butter banana and chocolate chunks. yum 😋

Counted down to her birthday with our chalkboard.

We had a Teddy bear made from her going home outfit and viking onesie that her Meme got for her.

Meme, Mommy and Addie!

Nana and Addie! <3

We celebrated her first Christmas with an outfit that was a gift from her Mema

She didn't want to sit still for a photo but she's still cute

Made a shadow box with all her trinkets

Sent out Christmas cards where she wore a hat for 0.5 seconds

Waking up to this smile every day is everything. ❤️ 

And saying goodnight to a full happy baby 💤

We don't put her on a schedule but she seems to follow a pretty typical routine.

Wakes up around 7
Milk at 715
Breakfast around 8
Nap at 9-930
Snack at 11
Lunch around noon
Snack at 2
Nap 230 or 330
Snack at 4-430
Dinner at 530
Bath at 6
Bottle at 615
Book at 630
Bed by 7-730

The pediatrician said she should be moving to one long nap when she's ready and some days she has been pushing off her nap but most days she still takes two naps.

Getting the rare family photo with all the babies

And the monthly photos since the last post!
9 months old here

10 months and sparkling!

Hamming it up for her 11 months

And loving on her cake for her 1 year birthday!

It's been an amazing ride and we're loving every minute of it. We've experienced many first moments  from where she smiled for the first time to when she walked for the first time. She's graduated from being a baby to now a toddler!

Some of my favorites from her 12 month progression

Being a mom certainly is rewarding, and it does have its challenges. You probably will lose sleep when the baby is sick or teething, and it may not be sunshine and roses all the time with your significant other. It's all about finding that balance and compromising and that will only make your relationship stronger.

She is certainly getting more independent and she can let you know when she wants attention or is hungry or tired, whereas the first few months it was all about reading her cues. Now that she's walking she gets into EVERYTHING. Even daycare providers say she is determined and is always moving. But once she's tired she usually goes down without a fuss. Even though she's old enough for a blanket she still throws it off of her. So we dress her in a onesie and stretchy pants and put a footie over that in the winter to keep her warm. She's wearing 18 mos-2T now!

The things I still can't live without?

Bottle warmer: We are slowly transitioning to sippy cups but we still use the bottle warmer fro her bottle at night and in the morning

Diaper genie: She's eating much more food now so this is a life saver for keeping smells at bay until she's potty trained.

Diaper bag insert for your purse: I don't carry around a full diaper bag, but my purse is large enough for an insert. I carry her food, snacks, extra diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, and any toys for the road.

Changing table: She's a wiggle worm now and will flip over at a moments notice if I don't buckle her in to the changing table.

I've never experienced as much love as I have now, and I look forward to all the adventures we have ahead! We are planning another trip coming up in the next couple months and we plan to take Addie on our adventure. Maybe the Cape? Maybe up north? Who knows! Stay tuned for the next post about traveling with Baby!

Read: The First 8 Months with Baby
The First 2 Months with Baby


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